The Fullerton College Umoja Community Program

The Umoja Community Program is designed to provide essential educational support and services to increase the academic success, retention, degree or certificate completion and transfer rates of the Black/African, Black/African American or Black/African Diasporic student population and Umoja Scholars enrolled at Fullerton College. We accomplish this through monthly workshops/events, academic counseling, personal therapy, enhanced priority registration, textbook support and more.

Program Eligibility

  • Enrolled in 3 or more units at Fullerton College.
  • Identify as Black/African, Black/African American or Black/African Diasporic (globally dispersed/worldwide) and/or interested in and willing to commit to learning from Black/African perspectives, experiences and diverse cultural lens.


The Umoja Learning Community Cohort is your opportunity to grow academically, gain critical skills and connect with a supportive community. Enroll in ENGL 103 F – Critical Reasoning and Writing, and experience a transformative learning journey.

Umoja Community Benefits Include:

  • Bookstore Voucher
  • Dedicated Umoja English Professor
  • Dedicated Umoja Counselor
  • Sense of Belonging and Community

Schedule an appointment with a Umoja Counselor for registration assistance.